Kabocha Extract Xylitol vs. Allulose

Kabocha Extract Xylitol vs. Allulose

Both kabocha extract xylitol and allulose are natural sweeteners that offer low-calorie alternatives to traditional sugar. While each sweetener has its unique qualities, let's compare them to help you choose the one that best suits your needs:

1. Source:

  • Kabocha Extract Xylitol: Derived from the pentose content of kabocha squash, a flavorful Japanese pumpkin known for its unique taste and rich nutrients.
  • Allulose: Naturally occurring in some fruits like jackfruit and figs, Allulose is commercially produced from corn.

2. Caloric Content:

  • Kabocha Extract Xylitol: Provides a 1:1 zero calorie alternative to regular sugar, making it a suitable option for weight management.
  • Allulose: Zero calorie, but it is not 1:1. Allulose is about 70% as sweet as regular sugar and is a suitable option for weight management.

3. Glycemic Index:
  • Kabocha Extract Xylitol: Has a glycemic index of 0, making it a suitable choice for diabetics.
  • Allulose: Has a glycemic index of 0, meaning it does not impact blood sugar levels, making it a suitable choice for diabetics.

4. Taste and Aftertaste:

  • Kabocha Extract Xylitol: Offers a natural and flavorful sweetness, that tastes just like cane sugar. No bitter aftertaste.
  • Allulose: Provides a clean, sugar-like taste and sometimes a hint of caramel is associated with it. No aftertaste. 
5. Cooking and Baking:
  • Kabocha Extract Xylitol: Ideal for baking as it adds a sugar-like taste to baked goods like cakes, muffins, and pies.
  • Allulose: Well-suited for cooking and baking, with the ability to caramelize at lower temperatures and maintain its sweetness at high temperatures. Recipes that use cane sugar require more allulose to make up for the 30% less sweetness. So adjust accordingly.

6. Dental Health:

  • Kabocha Extract Xylitol: Offers dental benefits by reducing the risk of cavities and promoting oral health.
  • Allulose: Non-cariogenic, meaning it doesn't promote tooth decay or harm dental health.

7. Health Benefits:

  • Kabocha Extract Xylitol:  Research shows that xylitol has negligible effects on blood sugar levels and insulin, making it a safe and suitable choice for diabetics or anyone aiming to manage their blood sugar (1)(2). In addition, polysaccharides extracted from curcurbits (kabocha is in the family) have been found to have hypoglycaemic properties and to potentially support beta-cell regeneration (3). Xylitol efficiently stimulates the immune system, digestion, lipid, and bone metabolism. It also may have antioxidant properties. 
  • Allulose: Although, research is limited In both animal and human studies, allulose in animal studies has been shown to help support healthy blood sugar levels, increase insulin sensitivity and help protect insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells (4). Early research suggest there may be healthy blood sugar benefits to humans (5). 

8. Digestive Support:

  • Kabocha Extract Xylitol: Acts as a prebiotic, supporting beneficial gut bacteria and promoting a healthy digestive system. 
  • Allulose: May have a positive impact on gut health, but research on its prebiotic effects is ongoing.

Conclusion: Both Kabocha Extract Xylitol and Allulose are excellent alternatives to traditional sugar, each offering unique benefits. Kabocha Extract Xylitol stands out with its delightful cane-sugar like taste and additional health advantages, while Allulose provides a zero-calorie option and versatility in cooking and baking. Choose the sweetener that aligns best with your dietary preferences and health goals to enjoy a delicious and healthier sweetening experience.



  1. Wiebe, N., Padwal, R., Field, C., Marks, S., Jacobs, R., & Tonelli, M. (2011). A systematic review on the effect of sweeteners on glycemic response and clinically relevant outcomes. BMC medicine, 9, 123. https://doi.org/10.1186/1741-7015-9-123
  2. Ashcroft, S. J., Weerasinghe, L. C., Bassett, J. M., & Randle, P. J. (1972). The pentose cycle and insulin release in mouse pancreatic islets. The Biochemical journal, 126(3), 525–532. https://doi.org/10.1042/bj1260525
  3. Simpson, Rachel and Morris, Gordon (2014) The anti-diabetic potential of polysaccharides extracted from members of the cucurbit family: A review. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietry Fibre, 3. pp. 106-114. ISSN 2212-6198. core.ac.uk/download/pdf/20363846.pdf
  4. Shintani, T., Yamada, T., Hayashi, N., Iida, T., Nagata, Y., Ozaki, N., & Toyoda, Y. (2017). Rare Sugar Syrup Containing d-Allulose but Not High-Fructose Corn Syrup Maintains Glucose Tolerance and Insulin Sensitivity Partly via Hepatic Glucokinase Translocation in Wistar Rats. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 65(13), 2888–2894. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.6b05627 
  5. Franchi F, Yaranov DM, Rollini F, et al. Effects of D-allulose on glucose tolerance and insulin response to a standard oral sucrose load: results of a prospective, randomized, crossover study.Â